Alfie in the Sounds looking like a salty sea dog

Lacquered Roast Chicken
I hope everyone has had a good long summer break, I managed to snag myself 7 weeks off this summer, the longest break I've ever had, it has been great spending so much time with the little sprog. My twitter, Instagram and blog have been a little quiet during this time, mainly because I haven't had much time at home in my kitchen, I got to spend a few days in the sounds and Alfie got his first fishing trip, which he promptly fell asleep during. As per usual over the festive days, I ate too much and probably imbibed a few too many and then back at home everything has been light and easy.

Jap Chae

Chicken adobo
A few highlights over the weeks were butterflied leg of lamb, heavily seasoned with garlic and rosemary, barbecued hot and fast with a good rosemary smoke, great Xmas lunch. Getting a copy of 101 Easy Asian Recipes by the good people at Lucky Peach, it’s pantry section made the stock up trip to the local Asian markets a little less confusing, I've been slowly working my way through the book and have a few favourites already and list of what to try next, managed Chineasy Cucumber salad, very awesome, Chicken Adobo, crazy amount of soy and surprisingly very tasty, Jap Chae, far far tastier than the recipe reads, Korean grilled chicken, and Scallion salad. Have also discovered a new favourite snack, silken tofu, lime juice, soy and togarashi, simple and delicious, especially on a hot summer day.

Chineasy cucumber salad

Scallion salad
Well time seems to fly, the seven weeks are almost up, best laid DIY plans didn't quite come to fruition, well I made a coat rack, woo. Alfie is far more mobile than ever and I spend most of my time chasing after him, he managed a flight of stairs! So one week left and back to work, not even sure if I remember what that is at this stage.

Korean grilled chicken

Silken tofu snack
I managed a whole half day at work and ended up in hospital, I seem to have all the luck, I’m out now, a nasty case of gastritis, which means I am yet again on a ruddy restricted diet, avoid spicy, crap, no coffee on an empty stomach, how am I meant to function! Oh well, time to look for the silver lining. At least I’m back at work, happy and healthy, and I had an unplanned extended break even if some of it was at the pleasure of the local DHB.
Time to see what 2016 has in store and dive back head first into some kitchen creations.