A couple of dips I made to have with the mini pita breads. The first is a cucumber and mint yoghurt dip.
The night before set a sieve lined with cheese cloth (or clean tea towel) on a bowl, and pour in some natural yoghurt (make sure the only ingredients are milk and culture, you don't want yoghurt that has thickeners or gelatin in it).
Leave in the fridge for at least 12 hours.
The yoghurt will loose about 50% of its volume due to the whey draining off.
De-seed half a cucumber and tear up a few of leafs of mint.
Purée the mint and cucumber, if you need to loosen it pour a little of the whey in. Mix this with the thickened yoghurt.
Brunoise the other half of the cucumber and mix into the yoghurt. Season with salt. I also added a pinch of smoked paprika.
Finally thinly slice some mint to stir through and use as a garnish.
The second dip is a very simple salmon mousse. In a food processor or mini blender, place 200 grams of cream cheese, 50-100 mls of cream, a squeeze of lemon juice and dill to taste. Blend until smooth. Add in 250 grams of hot smoked salmon, pulse until the salmon is incorporated, be careful not to completely purée it.
Cover and let it set in the fridge for a couple of hours.