Wednesday, August 4, 2010
This is a really simple, cheap and tasty pesto.
Parsley (I used Curly, not the continental parsley)
Basil (about 1/4 the amount of parsley)
Chunk of Parmesan
Clove or 2 of garlic
Cashew nuts (I find the sweetness and high oil content of these nuts balance the parsley really well)
Water (a couple of tablespoons)
Olive Oil (about 1/4 of a cup or more)
Salt and Pepper
Lemon Juice
Chuck everything (minus the oil and water) in a blender/food processor and blitz until roughly chopped up (you may have to scrape down a couple of times). Then add the water and blitz again, then the oil (add enough until you get a thick paste).
Season with salt and pepper to taste, and toss through some hot pasta.